The new Meraki Subscription Licensing Model

Cisco Meraki has recently announced a new subscription licensing model for its products. The new model, which will be available in the US and EU on September 19, 2023, is designed to be more flexible and scalable than the existing licensing models.

Let’s dive into the passionate world of Meraki licenses!

Table of Contents

The challenges of existing licensing models

Cisco Meraki is currently offering two licensing models:

  • Co-termination licensing is the default licensing model for Cisco Meraki products. Under this model, all licenses in an organization expire on the same day.
  • PDL (Per-Device Licensing) is a model where each device requires a license to operate. The license is tied to the device itself, and it is not transferable to another device.

Challenges of co-termination licensing

The co-termination licensing, has four main challenges:

  • Budgeting: It can be difficult to budget for licenses because all licenses in an organization expire on the same day. This can be a problem if an organization adds or removes devices during the course of a year.
  • Scaling: If an organization needs to add more devices, they must purchase additional licenses, even if the existing licenses have not yet expired. This can be a financial burden for organizations that are rapidly growing.
  • Flexibility: If an organization needs to temporarily disable a device, they must still pay for the license for that device. This can be a waste of money if the device is not being used.
  • Management: Organizations must track the expiration dates of all their licenses and make sure that they have enough licenses to cover all of their devices. This can be a time-consuming and error-prone process.

Challenges of PDL Model

The PDL model is more flexible than the co-termination licensing model, as it allows organizations to add or remove devices as needed without having to purchase new licenses. However, the PDL model also has challenges:

  • Cost: It can be expensive for organizations with large networks because the cost of licenses scales linearly with the number of devices.
  • Flexibility: Organizations must pay for licenses for devices that are not in use, which can be a waste of money.
  • Management: Organizations must track the licenses for each of their devices, which can be a time-consuming and error-prone process.
  • Scalability: Organizations must purchase new licenses if they need to add more devices, even if the existing licenses have not yet expired. This can be a financial burden for organizations that are rapidly growing.

The new subscription licensing model

The new subscription licensing model addresses all of these challenges. With subscription licensing, organizations can purchase licenses for individual devices or groups of devices. The licenses are valid for a specified period of time, and customers can renew them at any time. This gives organizations more flexibility to add or remove devices as needed, and to adjust their licensing costs accordingly.

Subscription licensing also makes it easier for organizations to scale their networks. As an organization’s network grows, they can simply add more licenses without having to purchase new hardware. This can save organizations money and time.

Here is a table summarizing the differences between co-termination, PDL, and subscription licensing for Cisco Meraki:

Meraki subscription licensing differences

Key Dashboard Features

Per-device licensing: This means that customers only pay for the licenses they need. This is in contrast to the previous co-termination licensing model, where all licenses in an organization expired on the same day. This made it difficult to budget for licenses and scale networks.

Specified period of time: The licenses are valid for a specified period of time, such as one year, three years, or five years. This gives customers more control over their costs and allows them to budget accordingly. For example, if an organization knows that they will be adding new devices in the next year, they can purchase licenses for those devices in advance.

Flexible renewal: Customers can renew their licenses at any time. This gives customers more flexibility to adjust their licensing costs as needed. For example, if an organization’s network needs change, they can renew their licenses for a shorter or longer period of time.

Easy scaling: Customers can easily add or remove devices as needed without having to purchase new hardware. This can save customers money and time. For example, if an organization needs to add a new branch office, they can simply add licenses for the new devices without having to purchase new hardware.

Simplified ordering and renewal process: Customers can easily order and renew their licenses through the Meraki dashboard. This makes it easy for customers to manage their licenses.

24/7 technical support: Customers receive 24/7 technical support for their Meraki devices and licenses. This gives customers peace of mind knowing that they will have support if they need it.

Hardware warranty: Customers receive a hardware warranty for their Meraki devices. This gives customers peace of mind knowing that their devices are covered if they break down.

Access to the latest features and updates: Customers have access to the latest features and updates for their Meraki devices and licenses. This ensures that customers are always using the latest and greatest technology.

Meraki subscription licensing dashboard

Key Benefits

More flexibility: Customers have more flexibility to add or remove devices as needed, and to adjust their licensing costs accordingly.

Easier scaling: Customers can easily scale their networks without having to purchase new hardware.

Simplified ordering and renewal process: Customers can easily order and renew their licenses through the Meraki dashboard.

24/7 technical support: Customers receive 24/7 technical support for their Meraki devices and licenses.

Hardware warranty: Customers receive a hardware warranty for their Meraki devices.

Access to the latest features and updates: Customers have access to the latest features and updates for their Meraki devices and licenses.

Discounts for organizations with multiple licenses: Customers can save money by purchasing multiple licenses or by taking advantage of discounts.

Ability to purchase licenses on a month-to-month basis: Customers can purchase licenses on a month-to-month basis, which gives them more flexibility and control over their costs.


Overall, the new subscription licensing model of Cisco Meraki is a more flexible, scalable, and affordable way to license Meraki products. It is a good choice for organizations of all sizes that want to future-proof their networks and save money on licensing costs.


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